Freestyle athletes put solid training to work at Apex
After a great start to the season, the Killington Mountain School Freestyle team traveled to Apex, British Columbia for their first on-snow Training Project. Freestyle Program Director Kris Pepe spoke about the team's training and prep, "The month of November was awesome at Killington. We made a huge amount of progress in our technical fundamentals and it showed when we finally got in the bumps."
In total, the mogul team logged 20 on-snow practices before getting on North America's first mogul course of the season in Apex. There the athletes were met by amazing snow and frigid temperatures. The Apex TP was also the first trip for new KMS mogul coach Ali Kariotis. Ali was quick to jump into a rhythm with the athletes, using her fresh World Cup experience to help KMS athletes navigate technically, tactically and academically (scheduled to graduate Dartmouth in the spring, Ali ran the team's study halls). In total, the team skied nine days in Apex.
Seven KMS athletes then traveled from Apex to their first competition of the season, US Selections in Winter Park, Colorado. Selections consists of three days of competition that qualifies the athletes for North American World Cup Starts as well as Nor Am Cup competitions.
Day 1 saw a strong showing from the KMS crew with Cam Robinson and Alex Lewis qualifying for their first FIS finals and earning career best finishes. The team has two more days of competition before heading home to Killington. Best of luck to everyone!