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Killington "B" Eastern Championships Junior Event Info

Killington Junior Eastern Championships March 17th-19th, 2017

Venues: Slopestyle on Mouse Run

Moguls on Highline

Aerials on Lower Superstar

Lift Access: Slopestyle- Snowden Triple/Snowden Poma

Moguls- Snowden Triple

Aerials- Superstar Quad

Ticket Info: Athlete Training tickets $40 purchased at the Killington Ski Club (KSC). Parent Tickets $50 (two max per family) at the KSC at registration

Spectator Info: The Highline mogul and aerial venues are located at the bottom on the mountain, easily accessible to non-skiers. The Slopestyle venue requires a ticket for spectating.

Directions/Parking: Drive to the end of the Killington access road, parking at the K-1 Base Lodge. From the parking lot, the KSC is located up the hill to the right. Registration is on the first level in the JO Room. Please use the K-1 Base Lodge to boot up.

Awards: Presented at the Banquet at the Grand Hotel on Saturday night. Sunday awards will be in front of the Killington Ski Club 45 minutes after the last competitor.

Lodging Deals: The North Star Inn in Killington, VT has generously offered Eastern Freestyle athletes, coaches and families 35% off Sun-Thu and 20% off Fri-Sat for lodging. For reservations please call 802-422-4040 or 1-800-422-2296.

We also have discounted rates for the Killington Grand Hotel with 11% Off the Grand and 12% Off Killington Condominiums. (Only valid for two nights or more.) Grand Hotel Lodging B Eastern Champs

Bib Deposit: $40 cash. Money will be reimbursed in full when bib is returned.


Wednesday March 15th Registration

3:00pm-6:00pm Registration KSC JO Room

Thursday March 16th Training

8:30am-10:00am Registration KSC JO Room

9:00am-3:30pm Slopestyle Training on Mouse Run

10:00am- 12:00pm Mogul Training on Highline

12:30pm-2:30pm Aerials Training on Lower Superstar

4:00pm Team Leaders Meeting JO Room

5:30pm-7:00pm Welcome Party/Dinner at Sushi Yoshi $15

Friday March 17th Slopestyle Competition

7:15am-9:30am Registration KSC JO Room

8:00am Lift Opens

*Please note: Training starts immediately after the Young Guns competition.

12:00pm- 12:15pm Course Inspection Mouse Run

12:15pm-1:15pm Training

1:15pm Competition Start

10:00am-2:00pm Mogul & Aerials Training

4:00pm Team Leaders Meeting JO Room

6:00pm-8:00pm Social at the Snowshed Lodge, $15

Saturday March 18th Mogul Competition

7:15am-8:30am Registration KSC JO Room

8:00am Lift Opens

8:15am- 8:30am Course Inspection Highline

8:30am-9:30am Training

9:30am-9:45am Course Prep

9:45am-10:00am Forerunners

10:00am Competition Start

4:00pm Team Leaders Meeting JO Room

6:00pm-8:30pm Banquet/Awards Ceremony Grand at the Hotel Ballroom $30, athletes free. Awards at 7:30pm.

Sunday March 19th Aerials Competition

7:15am-8:30am Registration KSC JO Room

8:00am Lift Opens

8:15am- 8:30am Course Inspection Lower Superstar

8:30am-9:30am Training

9:30am-9:45am Course Prep

9:45am-10:00am Forerunners

10:00am Competition Start

*Awards Ceremony 45 minutes after the last run in front of the KSC




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