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KMS Task Force Update 6/22

Dear Killington Mountain School Community,

We continue to adapt to our ever-changing environment in response to COVID-19; though, our school’s commitment to providing a safe return to athletics and academics has not wavered.

In my last communication, the KMS COVID-19 Task Force announced the beginning of our phased approach to reopening. Phase 1 cleaning and maintenance has been seamless and we are pleased to announce the start of Phase 2: on-campus small group training sessions beginning as early as Thursday, June 25. Director of High Performance Kip Spangler will be in touch with eligible athletes to explain our policies and procedures and to schedule focused training blocks utilizing our open-air gym and vast outdoor capacity. Sessions will be open to alumni and enrolled athletes compliant with Vermont State Quarantine Guidelines.

Matt Krimmel (above) and Gabriel Johnson (below) attacking the bike park at Killington. Photo by: Rick Kuehl

Following the success of our downhill mountain biking program’s continued training, additional off-campus athletic activity will begin with the start of our popular Bag Jump Camps on July 13. Our action sports program coaches are eager to lead athletes through a modified version of our summer camps, allowing for several weeks of morning sessions at our venue at the base of Superstar. Please contact Nori Pepe, Freestyle Development Director and Events Coordinator, for more information about our COVID-19 policies and procedures, or review our updated COVID-19 Manual.

In keeping with our commitment to the safety of our coaches, athletes and families, KMS has made the difficult decision not to move forward with our scheduled on-snow training projects this summer. Current state guidelines and international travel restrictions have led us to favor safer opportunities here at home. Coaches have already shifted their focus to the possibility of an immersive on-campus training block this August, while planning a variety of training options for the fall. Expect a more detailed communication related to the August opportunity next week and updates on fall projects as they become available.

The Task Force will continue to work on Phase 3: the start of the school year, and will reveal our initial plans no later than Friday, July 10 with a virtual event tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 13. We are confident that our thoughtful approach to reopening will set us up for success this year and thank you for your partnership throughout this process.

All the best,

Claire Kershko

Head of School

Photo Caption: Matt Krimmel (above) and Gabriel Johnson (below) attacking the bike park at Killington. Photo by: Rick Kuehl




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